Tag Archives: denver roofing contractor

Repair or Replace: Let a Denver Roofing Contractor Inspect Your Roof

Roof failure is a common problem among homeowners. If left unattended for a long time, a lot of inconveniences can stem from it and you may need a dependable Denver roofing contractor to deal with the damages. To ensure that a roof that is in tip-top shape, homeowners need to have a keen eye on the following tell-tale signs.

Denver Roofing Contractors May Receive An Increase in Service Requests After Hail Storm

On the morning of September 9th, 2013, Metro Denver was hit by a hail storm. “The hardest hit by the appeared to be an area near 26th Place in Wheatridge. It brought along a sense of winter, even as summer still hangs on,” KUSA-TV reports.

Shortly since the storm, residents have been busily shoveling heavy piles of hail around their homes and backyards, as well as repairing various property damages. “I’m going to keep cleaning. Make the most of what we can do,” says Jacob to KUSA-TV as he helps his father and brothers shovel hail. Amidst such drudging activity, it is anticipated that Denver roofing contractors will also receive an increase in service requests, considering the roofs are one of the most beaten-up part of the house after a severe weather system hits.